Tabs organize content into multiple sections and allow users to navigate between them. In this article, we will review essential design recommendations for creating perfect tabs.

General design recommendations

Tabs always contain at least two items, and one tab is active at a time. The visual styling of tabs can vary, but here are two of the most common styles:

Two popular styling for tabs.

1. Context

Tabs are used in the context of individual pages to organize content groups or settings so users do not have to navigate away from a specific page to complete their task.

Using tabs in the context of individual page. Image by IBM Carbon.

When designing an interface, don’t force users to switch between multiple tabs to compare info. Tabs should contain enough information to help users make informed decisions.

2. Text label

Use short tab labels that are clear and specific. Labels should be one to two words, as these are easier to scan. Text labels should clearly communicate the content users will see when they click on a tab.

3. States

Tabs allow for three states: selected, default, and disabled.

Tab states.
  • Selected. One of the tabs should be selected by default when the user loads the page. Usually, it is the first tab. When a user chooses a new item, the previous tab is automatically deselected.
  • Default. All of the other unselected, available tabs.
  • Disabled. A tab item in a disabled state indicates that the tab item exists but is not available for selection right now. This state can be used to communicate that the tab may become available later.

4. Icons in tabs

If an icon makes the tab easier to understand, consider pairing the icon with a text label. Try to avoid designing icon-alone tabs since only a small number of icons have universal meaning.

Using icons in tabs. Image by Material Design.

5. Vertical tabs

By default, tabs are horizontal, but its also possible to use vertical tabs when horizontal space is limited. Vertical tabs can be used as anchor links to different parts of the page (i.e., shortcuts to sections of a document).

Vertical tabs. Image by Twilio.

Best practices for designing tabs

1. Use tabs for related content

Tabs are used to organize related content. They allow the user to navigate between groups of information that appear within the same context.

❌ Don’t mix elements of a different nature in tabs.
✅ Use tabs for related content.

2. Don’t design nested

Avoid having multiple levels of tabs. You can use accordion or collapsible panels if you need to create a second level.

❌ Don’t use nested tabs

3. Don’t use tab bar to indicate progress

Use the progress indicator instead.

❌ Don’t use tabs as progress indicators.
✅ Use stepper if you need to communicate progress. Image by Material Design.

4. Align tab navigation properly

As a rule of thumb, the first label for both line tabs & contained tabs align with the grid and the text below.

✅ Do align tab labels with the grid. Image by IBM Carbon.

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Designing Perfect Tabs was originally published in UX Planet on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.